My Workshops Menu

For over 25 years I had been given space in my brother Todd's factory buildings for the display of my sets and for my woodworking shop and my machine shop. My relationship with Todd was always a good one. I had many tallents that he needed within his small manufacturing company, and in return for my help, Todd graciously allowed me to use extra space in his factory buildings. We shared the equipment which I purchased and in return I had a place to work on my hobby.

In the fall of 2011 my dear brother was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. He placed his wife in charge of shutting down his manufacturing business and selling the factory buildings. I was notified by Todd's wife to have all my assets removed from Todd's buildings by the stroke of midnight on December 31, 2011. And so my television hobby came to an abrupt halt.

It took 6 truckloads of a 26 foot Ryder truck to remove my TV collection and most of my other assets. All of my assets were placed in storage units, packed in so tightly that was not able to get at anything. Because my electronics lab has always been in the basement of my home, the lab is still operable. But I was no longer can do cabinet work or any machining. I was pretty much dead in the water.

After much consideration and planning, I decided to build new underground workshops under the back yard of my home. I also constructed a 2 story 2 car garage, and I use the room above the garage as a tv museum.

If you go to the "Bob's Bunker" section of the menu, you can see video and still photos of my construction project to re-establish my workshops and television set display areas.

The Electronics Lab


The Woodworking Shop


The Machine Shop


The TV Storage Room


Parts Inventory Storage


The Sams Photofacts Library